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Beautiful Area Rugs

Rugs Add warmth and beauty

Even though rugs are a design element that we walk all over, they are an important part of your interior environment and a perfect addition to create warmth, definition, and beauty in a room.

Rugs make us feel good in so many ways – by making our feet happy as we move around the house and by adding a warm finishing touch that can be playful or sophisticated, modern or traditional.

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they are functional, too

Area rugs also add function: They are an acoustical damper, keeping noise down from heavy footsteps and children playing. They also work to square off functional areas of a room; for example, the conversational area of a room and the dining area.

When selecting a rug, take into account the floor under the rug, too. For example, add soft wool to hard wood, smooth silk to rough stone, or thick shag to flat tile.

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Choose from so many choices

Consider the many choices of color, style, price and material when you select a rug, such as:
– Solid colors
– Abstract patterns
– Faux animal prints
– Ethnic looks
– Historic Oriental rug designs
– Traditional wool or silk
– Practical cotton or blends
– Avantgarde designs and materials
– Shaggy synthetic fibers

Step on it this season and add a new rug! It will add luxury and depth to your room.

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